
Thank You for Supporting Our Efforts TO Save America!

Your support is very much appreciated and your thoughtful donation will be devoted to saving America as she is in dire trouble. You can have faith that your donation will enable me (Gary Leigh) and others Patriots I am working with to be of profound help to our Country as I have been deeply involved in helping America since President Reagan.

Thank God the Lord is on our side. In order to save her my passion and proven skills will be devoted to motivating the 30+ conservative political groups throughout America who have millions of volunteers to up their game. Gary will devote 7 days a week to get these conservative groups to work in close cooperation with one another for the first time. Thereby assuring that they will be much more effective in helping save our Country.

                           I will also see the 14 serious problems that our Country has, as well as the 5 key programs I wrote about will succeed between now and the Presidential election in 2024. Both of these are explained in detail in the section called “GREAT SOLUTIONS TO AMERICA’S 14 TERRIBLE PROBLEMS CAUSED BY DEMOCRATS !!”, which is on the homepage of this website, which is a very educational and motivating read. 

                                                                                                      You are a Patriot for helping advance these wonderful causes by funding our efforts to help all these Conservative groups. Which is considered by many Patriots to be one of the most significant improvement opportunities to rapidly help America become much stronger.                                                   Thank You & God Bless!!                                           Gary R. Leigh, Founder, PBA

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